Hormone Therapy by Rimkus®
The Rimkus® hormone therapy, also known as treatment with bioidentical hormones according to Rimkus®, slows down the ageing process and the onset of chronic diseases that can begin as early as age 30.
Special capsules contain a bioidentical hormone called progesterone, which also acts as a protective hormone. It can help:
- Reduce sleep disorders
- Alleviate mood swings
- Control weight gain
- Lower blood pressure
- Counter prostate enlargement
- Reduce the risk of thrombosis and bone loss (osteoporosis)
- Slow the progression of certain brain diseases (like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, MS)
- Fight inflammation and cancer
Another hormone, estradiol, is contained in most capsules and can help:
- Relieve hot flashes and night sweats
- Reduce fatigue
- Treat hair loss and headaches
- Calm heart palpitations
- Alleviate age-related symptoms like bone loss (osteoporosis), sleep problems, muscle pain and joint pain, lack of drive, recurrent bladder infections, vaginal dryness, bladder weakness, incontinence, and changes in the genitals
- Treat newly developed depression and anxiety disorders
- Reduce concentration problems
- Slow the progression of certain brain diseases (like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, MS)
- Prevent cardiovascular problems
- Increase sexual desire
- Improve skin appearance
For men, a testosterone cream is also used, which can help with physical changes such as:
- Muscle weakness
- Hair loss
- Lack of sexual desire
- Erectile problems
Women can also benefit from this, especially if they suffer from muscle weakness or decreased sexual desire. The results of the therapy are often quickly noticeable. Please contact us or book an appointment through Jameda if you are interested in the effects of bioidentical hormones.
What is Bioidentical Rimkus® Hormone Therapy?
The Rimkus® therapy is based on the research of American physician Dr. Russell Earl Marker, discoverer of steroid hormone synthesis and natural progesterone from yam root. This hormonal source forms the foundation of the Rimkus® method.
In Rimkus® therapy, both women and men receive a capsule twice daily. This capsule contains a personally tailored mixture of natural estradiol and micronized progesterone.
Rimkus® preparations are original, meaning they are not counterfeit or modified versions of natural steroid hormones. They are manufactured exclusively in certified pharmacies in Germany.
To clarify: Some hormone products you find on the market are modified forms of steroid hormones (hormone replacement therapy or menopause pills). For example:
- Progesterone has been transformed into so-called progestogens, gestagens, or progestins
- Estradiol has been made into conjugated forms like valerate or ethinyl estradiol, also referred to as estrogens
- Cortisol has been made into various cortisone preparations (like prednisone, prednisolone, dexamethasone) that cannot be compared to natural cortisone (hydrocortisone)
You won't find these modifications in Rimkus® preparations. You receive the same natural hormones that would occur in your body.
What are the advantages of the Rimkus® Method?
The Rimkus® method offers several advantages that set it apart from other hormone therapies:
- Slowing the ageing process through bioidentical hormones
- Natural hormone supplementation that only replaces what your body lacks
- Use of bioidentical hormones that exactly match your body's biology
- High bioavailability with capsules designed for optimal absorption
- Individual customization based on blood measurements
- Long-term solution for chronic conditions
- High effectiveness with over 80% of patients reporting improvement
- Identical properties to your body's natural hormones
- Compatibility with other medical examinations
- Flexibility to discontinue if needed
Overall, the Rimkus® method offers a personalized, natural, and effective option for hormone supplementation that can support health and wellbeing.
Which Hormones are Used in the Rimkus® Method?
The following hormones are used:
- Estradiol
- Progesterone
- Testosterone cream
- Vitamin D3
Additionally, the following supplements are necessary:
- Zinc
- Copper Filler for Rimkus® capsules: pure olive oil
What are the Basic Principles of the Rimkus® Protocol?
Medical History and Blood Tests: At the beginning of treatment, a thorough medical history is taken followed by blood tests. For women, the values of estradiol, progesterone, FSH, and vitamin D3 are determined. For men, FSH is replaced by testosterone, and PSA levels are checked annually.
Hormone Supplementation: Based on these results, an individually adjusted amount of bioidentical hormones is administered to achieve the hormone levels specified by the Rimkus® protocol. These standard values are based on decades of research and practical experience, particularly with women in menopause.
Capsule Production: The individually adjusted Rimkus® capsules are produced by certified Rimkus® pharmacies. Only these pharmacies can ensure the quality of hormones with the required degree of microionization. While patients can have these capsules made at other pharmacies, as a physician, I cannot guarantee the treatment results in these cases, though I have nothing against patients' freedom of choice.
Follow-up Measurements: After the initial administration of the capsules, regular blood tests are conducted, usually every three months. On the day of the follow-up measurement, the morning capsules should be taken two hours before the blood draw to accurately assess the effect of the hormone supplementation.
Continuation or Adjustment of Therapy: When optimal blood hormone levels are achieved and desired results are obtained, the same therapy continues. If symptoms persist, supplementary therapy with other hormones (e.g., thyroid hormones, DHEA, bioidentical cortisol) may be considered.
Timing of Blood Tests: For women with menstrual cycles, blood is generally drawn between days 19 and 21 of the cycle, or in the middle of the second half of the cycle if cycles are longer, shorter, or different from 28 days. For menopausal women, the timing of blood tests doesn't matter.
This protocol aims to provide effective and individually tailored hormone therapy. Older women particularly benefit from early therapy, as it can minimize the occurrence of side effects during menopause.
How does the Rimkus® Therapy generally work?
Taking the medication is simple. Patients take two capsules daily, one in the morning and one in the evening. These capsules contain exclusively natural, bioidentical hormones, along with additional substances such as copper, zinc, vitamin D3 (optional), and olive oil as a filler.
Regardless of which type of therapy you choose: Our treatments involve a quick, objective method that can also be coordinated via video consultation for established patients. The blood tests are monitored by me, a Rimkus®-certified physician.
Men and women generally receive two hormones:
Menopausal Women
Women in menopause receive bioidentical estradiol and progesterone, both distributed in two doses per day. Depending on symptoms, testosterone can additionally be administered in the form of a cream in varying doses.
Andropausal Men
Men also receive bioidentical estradiol and progesterone, both distributed in two doses per day. Depending on symptoms, testosterone can additionally be administered in the form of a cream in varying doses.
My Adapted Rimkus Dosage
The adaptations of the Rimkus® method are based on extensive practical experience and personal statistics from treating over 35,000 patients in my private practice.
Some of these adaptations include:
Genetic Differences Between People
I have found that people, even within an age group, women or men, have very different genetic and epigenetic conditions and show different tolerances to administered bioidentical hormones. Therefore, dosages vary.
Focus on Symptoms
Instead of focusing exclusively on laboratory values like FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), I also observe the patients' symptoms and adjust the dosage accordingly. In other words, the pituitary is also a hormone organ and becomes sluggish over time.
Combination Therapy
I have found that the combination of multiple hormones, including thyroid preparations like T3 or T4, has a synergistic effect and leads to stronger effects.
Adjustments for Specific Patient Groups
In postmenopausal women over 60 years, the initial Rimkus® dose of bioidentical estradiol and progesterone twice daily is accompanied by side effects, leading to definitive discontinuation of therapy. Lower doses of bioidentical hormones are better tolerated.
Monitoring & Control Examinations
We conduct control measurements three to four times in the first year, then every 6 months to minimize ongoing laboratory costs.
Disadvantages of the Rimkus® Method:
Despite the many advantages of Rimkus® therapy, side effects can occur in some cases. These include rare minimal breakthrough bleeding, increased breast sensitivity, and weight gain due to water retention. It is important that patients discuss any side effects they experience during therapy with their doctor so that appropriate treatment adjustments can be made.
How to Recognize Synthetic Hormones
On the package insert, you can identify:
- Progesterone derivatives: also called gestagens, progestins, progestogens, medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA)
- Estradiol conjugates or derivatives in the form of valerate, ethinyl estradiol, which are also referred to as estrogens
These chemical changes are patentable and are used in birth control pills or synthetic hormone replacement therapy. The synthetic structure also leads to changes in effect and metabolic systems.
Please contact us or book an appointment through Jameda if you are interested in the positive effects of hormone therapy with bioidentical hormones! Author and physician, Dr. Wilden, will be happy to advise you!