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by Dr. Isabella Wilden

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Eine Frau mit Schmerz in der Brust

Breast pain and lumps during menopause

Menopause is a natural phase in every woman's life, characterized by significant hormonal changes that can affect various aspects of health. One of the less discussed but frequently occurring issues during this time are changes in the breasts, which can be accompanied by pain and hypersensitivity.

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Gewichtsabnahme durch bioidentische Hormone

Bioidentical Hormones for Weight Control

Many people try to lose weight by going on diets, going to the gym, running in the park, trying detox programs, and avoiding alcohol. Often this leads to little or no weight loss. This experience can be frustrating, and many then blame the yo-yo effect or ageing for their struggles.

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Speicheltest Mundabstrich

Hormone Measurement: Methods & Accuracy

The measurement and evaluation of hormone levels is an essential component of modern medical diagnostics. Hormone expert Dr. Wilden explains various methods of hormone measurement and evaluates them based on their accuracy.

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Tabletten vor einem blauen Hintergrund

The Difference Between Synthetic and Natural Hormones

Artificial hormones (also: synthetic hormones), as used in birth control pills or hormone replacement therapies, are chemical compounds that are similar to, but not exactly like our body's own hormones. This article explains the differences between the two production methods. And we will explain why bioidentical hormones are the better alternative for you.

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Frau in den Wechseljahren vor einem Sonnenuntergang

Bioidentical Hormones in Menopause

Are menopausal symptoms "normal" for all women? In other words, are they predestined to experience them? The collective consciousness says: Yes! Many believe that women must inevitably go through years of hot flashes, irritability, joint pain, sleep disorders, and depression. Then their hair starts falling out, skin becomes dry and wrinkled, and desire for sex and social events diminishes. It seems the best course of action would be to resign oneself and focus on the grandchildren. And this would be the best-case scenario, provided no serious illnesses like rheumatism, cancer, or heart attack occur.

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Blonde Haare Frau, rosa Hintergrund

Bioidentical Hormones for Hair Loss

Your hair follicle is like a tiny hormone factory that responds to changes in your body. Whether your hormone levels change naturally or you're taking bioidentical hormones, your hair reacts to it. And it's not just hormones that play a role; minerals and vitamins (co-factors) are important too.

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Eine Person mit Rückenschmerzen

Bioidentical Hormones for Osteoporosis (Bone Loss)

After menopause, osteoporosis can occur – a condition where bones become weaker. They lose density, size, and flexibility. Particularly affected are thin women, as well as white and Asian women, or those who enter menopause early. Hormonally caused osteoporosis can be treated with bioidentical hormones.

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Hitzewallungen bei Frauen

Bioidentische Hormone bei Hitzewallungen

Hitzewallungen sind die häufigsten lästigen Symptome in den Wechseljahren. Hitzewallungen können tagsüber oder nachts auftreten (auch Nachtschweiß genannt). Bis zu 80 % der Frauen erleben Hitzewallungen während des Übergangs in die Menopause und nach der Menopause, wobei die meisten Frauen den Schweregrad der Hitzewallungen als mittelschwer oder schwer einstufen. Mindestens die Hälfte dieser Frauen leidet in den Wechseljahren häufig über mehr als sieben Jahre unter Hitzewallungen. Hitzewallungen und Nachtschweiß haben einen starken Einfluss auf Schlaf, Stimmung und kognitive Funktionen.

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